Upcoming Workshop - Nutrient sustainability in the intensive livestock sector

Image by 贺新 陈 from Pixabay

SAVE THE DATE! 5-7 March 2025, Saint Malo, Brittany (FR) & online.

As part of the uPcycle project, a workshop on phosphorus use and recycling in intensive livestock is being delivered.

This workshop is being organised by BETA Technological Centre, in collaboration with the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) and will be hosted by Cooperl and Roullier, it will cover the following topics: 

  • How to balance the efficiencies possible in nutrient management in intensive livestock production and the social benefits (price of meat, regional agri-food specialisation …) with regional nutrient misbalance challenges

  • Best Available Technologies and Best Environmental Management Practices today and tomorrow for livestock nutrient Management, from feed to manure

  • Manure processing and nutrient recycling: technologies, environmental benefits, challenges to implementation

The expected workshop outcomes are: 

  • Workshop summary to be published in ESPP SCOPE Newsletter (110 000 emailing worldwide)

  • Define key messages of joint position paper on nutrient sustainability in intensive livestock production, 1-4 pages

  • This position paper will provide input to the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) project uPcycle

Preliminary programme: here.

More information: here.

Pre-register here.


Full steam ahead for SPS8!


The uPcycle Metadatabase