Sustainable Lake Management Concept wins Frontiers Planet Prize

Frontiers Planet Prize award winning article - [read more here]

The Frontiers Planet Prize celebrates breakthroughs in sustainability science, rewarding solutions that show measurable potential to help humanity remain within the boundaries of the Earth’s ecosystem. Members of the uPcycle Team co-authored an article that outlines the concept of the uPcycle project that has been selected for the National Award for Finland.


The authors explore the complex topic of sustainable lake management, emphasising the necessity of addressing ecological, economic, and social challenges. They advocate for a multifaceted approach that not only enhances ecological conditions but also aligns with broader societal goals, such as promoting a circular economy. The article highlights the potential efficacy of in-lake restoration methods in achieving rapid ecosystem responses, contrasting them with catchment-based approaches. Furthermore, it explores innovative restoration techniques that repurpose extracted lake materials, like nutrients and sediments, for agricultural use or the production of biogas, thus illustrating a shift towards resource efficiency. However, the authors caution against a one-size-fits-all approach, stressing the importance of tailoring interventions to the unique characteristics of each lake. They emphasize the need for careful assessment to ensure effectiveness, minimise negative impacts, and maximise ecosystem service delivery. Ultimately, the article underscores the interdisciplinary nature of successful lake restoration efforts, advocating for collaboration across environmental, social, political, and economic spheres to achieve sustainable outcomes.


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